1. Whakamana – Empowerment
Recognising each individual’s mana, our teachers encourage and support your tamariki to have confidence in themselves and are confident participants in our curriculum.
2. Kotahitanga – Holistic Development
Our teachers take into consideration kotahitanga and look at the different aspects of your tamariki’s learning and development from cognitive, social, emotional, physical, cultural and spiritual as an integrated and interconnected whole.
3. Whānau Tangata – Family and Community
Your tamariki will be supported and guided, growing and knowing that they and their whanau are valued and respected members of our community. Our teachers will foster strong relationships with whanau to understand diverse perspectives and culturally appropriate forms of communication.
4. Ngā Hononga – Relationships
We strive to provide a calm and nurturing environment that supports and guides our tamariki in the development of trusting and respectful relationships. This builds their sense of belonging so they feel secure and lay strong foundations for them to confidently engage in quality play experiences and develop positive social relationships.